Failing Forward
Life is short. So, to have the best experiences we all need to take risks. There are so many ways to take those risks. One of them is in the hobbies we chose.

However in one of his hobbies he took a wide variety of risks. The outcomes where in turn varied. Which hobby was that? It was his wine making hobby. I can tell you some of his wines where very nice. World class No. But that was never his aim. It was done for fun, enjoyment and sharing time with those that helped him. Some of his wine offerings to attempt to be polite where less than average. Yikes! His Parsnip Wine was awful. Yet lots of laughter and joy occurred as he recounted how my garden had yielded a bumper crop of parsnips. Some longer than 14" long and and very large in diameter . A few bushel baskets worth. I could only freeze so much for them for later, BBQ them for now and give away so many. So, Dad decided to turn them into wine. "After all son, they are related to the sugar beet. This will be interesting." Interesting indeed it was. It was not his best tasting batch is for certain. It was as always his best effort. However Parsnip Wine was not something I'd wish to taste again. Yet I so appreciate the joy and the curiosity he shared as he did batch after batch from the many variety's of grapes, to dandelion, to wild bush cranberry (too sour for me) ranging from modest to amazing outcomes.
So what do you do that stretches you out? What do you do to create some big, some small positive outcomes with some not so great outcomes.
So until next time Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for Life.
So what do you do that stretches you out? What do you do to create some big, some small positive outcomes with some not so great outcomes.
So until next time Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for Life.