Hello and welcome back.
Thank you for joining me here again. In this column I'm sharing and challenging you to consider how does stress and anxiety impact you?
For some of us it breaks our concentration, for some it makes us grumpy, it can impact our health and for some it interrupts our sleep and for some it does all of that and more in negative ways.
However the one thing I am amazed at is the medical, mental, educational and social work model that seldom recognize the value and the power of learning skills that have been research proven to help us "rewire" our brains. Rewire them to help use be calmer, more engaged and in the moment.
So my challenge to you is about taking the time to learn and practise these powerful skills several times a week. They work fast and are more effective the more you practise them.
What are they?
- Relaxation Response
- Mindfulness
- Meditation
- Breathing
Each of these stills adds value in that it helps calm and centres our mind and in turn our body. The more we practise them, the longer you practise them the more opportunity you develop yourself to be calmer, more focused and gain the ability to have a better quality sleep and often a longer sleep.
Here is were you can find free access to two audio stories that if used regularly have helped many children, youth and adults with anger, frustration, brain injury, concussion, ADD, ADHD, ODD, PTSD, and many other issues gain a greater ability for self regulation and sleep.
Here is where you can purchase some programming to assist you practise and learn these key skills to develop and deepen your ability to be calmer more often. Some call it self regulation, some call it self control, I don't care what you call it. I wish for you peace inner peace. Life is far easier when you have inner peace and a good night's sleep.
So until next time, Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for Life.
Michael Ballard specializes in helping people, schools, teams
organizations and communities learn how to become more resilient.
Hiring and Contacting Michael
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Udemy.com video programs at:
iTunes.com audio programs at:
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