Learning how to Bounce!
Resiliency : What is
it? Why it matters.
Michael H Ballard Canada

But, what is it? Resilience is our ability to “bounce back” from adversity. Life’s BIGStuff events that we all have happen to us eventually. Death in the family, loss of a job, divorce, poor performance at work or school, chronic illness, having your house burn down you get the picture.
Resiliency is a set of key factors we can all use to assist
us stay safer and move forward and often create more successful outcomes. There are two major parts to Resiliency.
Inner and outer resilience. Inner resilience includes the beliefs you hold to be true, your problem solving skills, and the goals
you’ve set for yourself. Outer resilience includes the values of the community
you live in, teams you’ve built around yourself, the education you have, the
support you have from family to name just
a few.
So how do we get more? Well to further develop and deepen
our inner resiliency a key place to start includes: - Our self control. Moderation is a very
powerful factor in being resilient. Our resistance to temptation, our restraint
to over doing things is a great place to start. More on this in a future column.
To further develop our outer
resiliency developing and deepening trusting relationships with people who
treat us with respect, sharing time with others that have high expectations of
us and them of us are powerful places to help us deepen and widen our ability
to thrive.
Resiliency is a life long process. A key to me is that we
have to set boundaries and expectations
of our self and with others. Being
resilient offers up life as a life long adventure. It helps us stretch into life’s BIGStuff
moments and issues keeping us safer and happier and often offering us much better
So until next time, Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for Life.
Michael Ballard specializes in helping people, schools, organizations and communities learn how to become more resilient.
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