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Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Nurture a Positive Mindset of Yourself

Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trusting your instincts helps build your resilience.
In that famous quote by Stephen Covey  he asked: 
At home after a media interview

 "What have you done to sharpen Saw? He meant how have you developed your problem solving skills? Have you read a book? Taken a course? Watched a video? Improved your fitness?

What problem solving books have you read? I'm a big fan of each of these four books. All of them have added to my problem solving and creativity skill set.

Six Thinking Hats and the follow up Six Action Shoes are written by Edward de Bono. In Six Thinking Hats de Bono shares six ways to consider each and every problem that we face. In Six Action Shoes he shares six ways to consider implementing each of the potential solutions we are faced with.

My next two favourite books on problem solving and creativity are:

 - A Wack on the Side of the Head and a Kick in the Seat of the Pants are two books on creativity by Roger von Oeck.
In each he offers a process to help us widen and deepen our creativity to maximize our potential solutions.

In a A Kick in the Seat of the Pants he want you to tap into and use: 

Your Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior to Be More Creative

In his book A Wack in the Side of the Head Roger takes you through:
One of my ready to present looks!

Ten mental locks that block our creativity he tells us they are:
1. The Right Answer 2. That's Not Logical 3. Follow the Rules 4. Be Practical 5. Play is Frivolous 6. That's Not My Area 7. Don't Be Foolish 8. Avoid Ambiguity 9. To Err Is Wrong 10. I'm Not Creative

So I've enjoyed each of these books several times over. Each have helped me and clients many many times over.
So until next time Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for LIfe.

Michael Ballard specializes in helping people, schools, teams
organizations and communities learn how to become more resilient.

Hiring and Contacting Michael
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